Unfortunately, there’s no additional single player content, even though this would have been a perfect opportunity to include the train heist in the vein of everyone’s favorite Ord Mantell Junkyard level from N64’s Shadow of the Empire. Han, Lando, and Chewbacca, are all getting new skins, representing their appearance in Solo: A Star Wars Story. The Millenium Falcon as it appears under the ownership of Lando Calrissian is also making it’s way to the game, which is faster than it is when Han owns it and can be unlocked by spending credits. The new digs include a Coaxium Mines of Kessel map, and the return of the asymmetrical Extraction mode (think one-sided capture the flag) which first appeared in the original Battlefront’s Outer Rim DLC. The most famous of them all is the Millennium Falcon, piloted by Han Solo, and his first mate, Chewbacca.The Millennium Falcon is one of the fastest ships in the galaxy, able to out run most customs. The YT-1300 is a light freighter, used by smugglers around the galaxy. In addition to the already released Jabba’s Palace multiplayer map, Hero Showdown and Starfighter Custom Arcade modes, as well as Return of the Jedi themed outfits for Lando and Leia, EA announced new content for the Han Solo season of Star Wars Battlefront 2. It appears in Star Wars Battlefront Renegade Squadron and various other mod maps.